A stones flow away

No EXIF data today, because this was a stacked photo. I stacked 7 pictures together to give me this effect and took it in PS for an auto levels.
No EXIF data today, because this was a stacked photo. I stacked 7 pictures together to give me this effect and took it in PS for an auto levels.

Camera Make: Konica Minolta
Focal Length: 33mm
Exposure Time: 1/640
Aperture: f/3.2
ISO: 50
Editing: RAW prossesing, sharpening, color adjust, noise removed, and layers
Yes, this one is late... I had to do some last minute editing before I posted. I took this the night I when bear hunting. We didn't get anything, but the sunset was cool.

Camera Make: Konica Minolta
Focal Length: 63.0mm (35mm equivalent: 380mm)
Exposure Time: 0.067 s (1/15)
Aperture: f/8.0
ISO equiv: 100
Light Source: Incandescent
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: Manual
Exposure Mode: Manual
Editing: No
No, its not June but hey the name fits :-P. I'm not very pleased with this photo, but well... You can tell me what you think. We went bear hunting last night. Sadly no bears, but that is ok because I got some pics and a lot of reading done :-D.

Camera: Minolta DiMAGE Z2
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE Z2
Exposure Time: 1/800 sec
Aperture: f/3.2
Focal Length: 11mm
ISO: 50
Editing: RAW processing, color balance
This picture is one in a few photos that I will be posting involving flowers. Since spring is finally here it has given me many more interesting subject to photograph. This being one of them.

Camera: Minolta DiMAGE Z2
Exposure Time: 1/800 sec
Aperture: f/3.2
Focal Length: 11mm
ISO: 50
Editing: RAW processing
We finally got a few flowers around the house! Best of all this is a resent picture too! I thought it was about time I use a picture I just took rather then from the archives :-D.

Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7Hi
Focal Length: 50.5mm (35mm equivalent: 199mm)
Exposure Time: 0.0010 s (1/1000)
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO: 100
Editing: Level adjustments, and color correction
My blogging friend Mark (from
Max Imaging) and I when out on a "photo adventure" (or whatever you would like to call it :-D). Seeing that he is such a nice person, he let me borrow his camera for a few shots. So I used this opportunity to take this photo.
Camera: Konica Minolta DiMAGE Z2Focal Length: 50mm?
Exposure Time: ???
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO: 50
Editing: RAW processing, B&W conversion, noise added, contrast, and slight sharpening
Sorry about not having all the EXIF data, but for some reason I can't find any of the settings on this photo. So I am not sure what they are. I took this picture for a little challenge a few of my friends and I came up with. We were going for abstract, so I figure you can't get much more then this :-D. I shot this in RAW format for added flexibility, and later converted it to B&W and added a little noise to give it that nice B&W feel. I will be gone Saturday and part of Sunday so there will be no photo of the day tomorrow and Sundays will be late.

Camera: Konica Minolta MAXXUM 7D
Focal Length: 200mm (35mm equivalent: 300mm)
Exposure Time: 0.0013 s (1/800)
Aperture: f/4.5
ISO: 200
Editing: colors changed, darkened, and saturated slightly
I took this photo at a friend house with a Maxxum 7D that he had borrowed. It was a sweet piece of equipment! Best of all that night that he let me use it was a great sunset!

Settings: 28mm, F/4.5, 1/250 sec, ISO 50, auto focus
Editing: Yes (auto levels, colors changed, and darkened a little)
Ok, so this isn't a crocodile its an alligator, but never smile at an alligator doesn’t sound as good. For this shot I was fairly close. Closer then I would want to be if I hadn't been in a boat. The strange thing was even though we were in a really, really loud air boat the gator didn't care that we were there, and didn't even move.
Settings: 63mm, F/3.7, 1/1000 sec, ISO 50, auto focus
Editing: Yes (auto levels, color balance)
No, this picture was not taken in
:-P. This is another
one... We were taking a boat ride in the
when I spotted this guy. I just had to take this shot seeing that he was posing for me and all.

Settings: 11mm, F/3.2, 1/320 sec, ISO 50, manual focus
Editing: Yes (auto levels, and cropping)
I'm not sure what kind of flower this is, but it came out very sharp and was very interesting to look at. Just incase you are wondering no sharpening was done.

Settings: 52mm, F/3.5, 1/640 sec, ISO 50
Editing: Yes (cloning, sharpening, and auto levels)
This dude was just hanging around, and begging me to take a picture of him. So I thought I would be nice and take it. To bad he never looked over to see the photo...

Settings: 11mm, F/6.3, 1/1000 sec, ISO 50
Editing: Yes (sharpening)
I took this photo when I was on vacation in
... Ya, it has taken me a while to post some of these, but it’s up now :-D.

Big nose and all! Gens got it ;-D. Yes, this is a picture of my dog. I just couldn't resist taking this picture. She looked so funny! I like how the front of her nose is blurred and slowly comes into focus. Man do I love DOF!

This is another one from the archives... because I haven't had much time to go out and take some pictures. Hopefully I will be able to do that today. Very little editing was done with this picture. It was shot in RAW so I processed it, adjusted color, and removed some noise.

Yes, I did. I got up for the sunrise the other day. At around
... Although the sun didn't come up till about
. LOL what a photographer will do for a photo.

I took this picture Saturday night around
and there was still red in the sky. Mark from Max Imaging and I were out late taking pics together. It sure was a photo blogger party (even though it was only two of us ;-D). This picture was stacked using
Image Stacker. I took five individual 30sec pictures and stacked them to give me this dramatic and longer shutter speed look.